Think it Through
-for mental clarity and outward focus
My blend that helps with mental clarity & focus!
Does your teenager have finals coming up? Do you have a long to-do list?!?
A deadline @work?
This blend of plants will support your being able to think things through to completion
The Plants
(my favorite herb!) highly nutritive & toning for the whole body
improves memory & alertness & focus
antioxidant and supports brain function
enhances & helps maintain memory & improves mental alertness
Inner Stillness
~calming & heart opening
This is a blend I created for my meditation practice ~ It calms the body & mind... allows us to be lead in meditation or sound healing experiences ~ It raises our vibration & opens the Heart Chakra!
This blend I serve at events & I can speak from personal experience that the relaxing & heart opening I receive from this blend of plants creates an openness that allows the vibration to be felt deeply & for healing to happen!
The Plants
nutritive & supports the other plants in the blends
Milky Oats
calming to the nervous system
Rosa Rugosa
heart opening
can bring clarity of mind, helping with intuition and intention setting
Intuition and 3rd eye awareness
It's Gonna Be OK
for when stress & anxiety are taking over
This simple & straightforward blend of New England Medicinals helps us manage everyday stress & anxiety with a clear mind, and calm nervous system. allowing us to feel that things will be OK~
The Plants
for it's overall nourishing properties
relaxing and calming for our nerves
Lemon Balm
helps to lessen our stress-reaction
Enjoy Yourself!
-for days & times when we feel blue
This yummy blend of flowers supports our Nervous system & helps bring brain chemistry into balance - the brain chemistry imbalances often lead to sadness when triggered by memories or events of the past
The Plants
St John's Wort
bearer of lightness & warmth
Rosa Rugosa
helpful for feelings of heartache & sadness ~ Heart Opening ~ Helps us give & receive Love
Milky Oats
are gentle nervous system support
supports stable mood & energy
My Blend for Sleep
These plants fully support your nervous system, allowing you to become fully restful ~ if it is evening & you are laying in your bed - you will sleep.
The Plants
a nervous system relaxant plant that promotes sleep
nutritive to the whole body
relaxes the nervous system, while slowing racing thoughts
Lemon Balm
reduces stress and anxiety promoting a restful feeling
Deep Inhale
Lung Function Support ~ both to maintain & strengthen normal lung function & in recovery from illness.
This blend supports normal healthy lung function. Each plant works in a different way, affecting a different aspect of lung health. Together they will bring about strong lungs & the ability to deeply inhale.
The Plants
HIGHly nutritive to our whole body
helps our immune system adapt
antiviral & antibacterial
helps to relax spasms like coughing or wheezing
a powerhouse herb for overall Lung Health
expectorant = helps make our cough effective & strong
Eat ~ Drink ~ Digest
This blend is FULL of digestive support! Every plant in this blend supports at least one aspect of healthy & balanced digestion
The Plants
a classic Spring & Early Summer tonic! Improves function if the liver, promoting secretion of bile. It is diuretic (stimulates the kidneys - increasing urination) & mildly laxative.
Gentle anti-spasmodic relieving indigestion, bloating & gas
Increases saliva & aids gastric emptying - supporting gastric & intestinal motility
Diuretic helps regulate fluids in the body, also anti-inflammatory, which is very helpful when we eat acidic foods
Soothes & repairs digestive tissues
Highly nutritive & toning to the whole body
Relaxes the muscles of the stomach, and improves the flow of bile, helping food digest and pass through the stomach more quickly.
Deep Relief
This blend I created with my friend Dr Maria Alemañy of Middletown who works primarily with peri-natal women & their babies... this blend relaxes the mind, releasing emotional tension from the body, as well as relieving pain.
The Plants
anti-spasm, releases tension, nervous system relaxant
California Poppy
toning & anti-inflammatory - nutritive to our whole body
diminishes spasm ~relaxes the nervous system
relieves pain from swelling
anti- inflammatory
anti-inflammatory, in addition to being relaxing for the mind, body & spirit
So Many Tea Blends... So little Time!
Each time I formulate a blend of herbs- I feel much gratitude in the knowing that what I've created may help someone who has come to me, seeking health & wellness ~ balance & happiness.
Enjoy a Cup Today!
To see me in person @Markets or Event here in the RI area-
visit my page:
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