Carefully Crafted Plant Based Products

Welcome to my Herbal Products Page!!
Here is where you can learn the details about my products, my ingredient choices, and why I chose them.
I am happy you found me... and this page if you are seeking
wellness through
Carefully Crafted Plant Based
Herbal Products.
I have been studying & practicing Herbalism for 2 decades,
Working with many Herbal Teachers.. the deepest
teacher- student relationship I have is
the one I maintain with the Plants!
Herbalism & what the Plants teach us is a lifelong study!!

Let's start with Tea

Basic Brewing Instructions:
1 teaspoon for 1 cup or for a full day's amount 1 tablespoon for 1 quart
Let Steep for 10 minutes for an standard infusion or for stronger Tea let steep longer, even as long as overnight
As good as these plants are for you ~ they are NOT a replacement for regular medical care!
Enjoy Hot or Cold!

My Herbal Tea Blends
*hint~ I name my products after their effects :-)
To See & Learn about all my Tea on the Tea Pot
Herbal Tea Preparation

Carefully Crafted Plant Based
Skin Care

I am hoping you will try my Skin Care Products ~ They are made with whole plants, that I grow, without any added perfumes, colorants, or synthetic preservatives.
Can't get better than that!!
I believe you WILL see a difference in your skin! Because my products bring you the healing power of the Plants, blended in organic oils & bases.. but thats not all!
One the most amazing things that will happen is your skin will begin to generate new, healthy cells! This is partly due to the plants I use, but equally as the simple act of changing over from products that do contain perfumes, colorants & synthetic or petroleum based additives!!
Begin your daily Skin-Lovin' practice today!!
click here to see the full line!

Herbal ~ Infused Bath Salts
Because a long hot bath is SO nourishing for the
Body, Mind, & the Spirit!
Luxuriating in a long, hot bath actually has medicinal benefits.
The hot water's physical effects are that of increased circulation, and relaxation of muscles & tendons.
The practice of Bathing brings with it a wonderful combination of isolation, quiet, and comfort, that when combined with the benefits of the warm water, gives us an overall sense of comfort, safety and deep relaxation
I've created 3 Bath Blends for you... all having their own set of benefits!
Anchored~ with Patchouli and Lime gives us a sense of belonging & solid 'footing'
Release~ with Rose, Lavender & Neroli is just so sweet we release all negativity
Invigorate~ Peppermint, Eucalyptus & Sage make this blend the one to use when you are feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list!!

Welcome to my Herbal Path!
Hope to see YoU at my booth Soon!!