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Luscious ~ Luscious ~ Lavender ~ Medicine

Writer's picture: MaggieMaggie

Lavender Augustifolia

One of the simplest ways to receive this amazing plant's healing effects is through it's aroma~ ask Any Aromatherapist!

Lavender's scent can decrease feelings of sadness, tension & anxiety.

It has been adopted by hospitals - Nurses 'Lavender Rooms' are places where they can go - when the work becomes stressful & overwhelming - & simply inhale deeply the aroma of Lavender while sitting in a recliner with an eye pillow over their faces.. & this is very effective in the fight on burnout within the Nursing profession - I wish all hospitals would get on-board with a Lavender Room for their staff!

Dentist's waiting rooms also use Lavender!

Where else might benefit? Police Stations? Accountants & Lawyer's offices? Should we make a list? & write to our politicians?

Due to all it's aromatic benefits, this one plant may have been the primary mover & shaker of the (explosive) Global Essential Oil market!

There are many other ways to receive Lavenders medicine! My preferred way of using this amazing plant is through salves & lotions - topically this plant is moisturizing, emollient, helps wound healing, is anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic! ~ not to mention the amazing scent all my skin care products have!!

~currently many Maggie's Healing Path skin care products contain Lavender - 'In Need of Healing' & all my Luscious products - Luscious All Over, Luscious Face & Luscious Lips!

Infusing Lavender flowers in water (aka Herbal Tea) is another very pleasant way to receive her effects!

My newest Herbal Tea Blend 'Eat ~ Drink ~ Digest' contains a small amount of the flowers - they soothe & relax our digestive tract as well!

In a Tea blend, relaxation, to the point of sleep, can occur due to its effect of raising Melatonin levels in our brains!

Careful taking lavender if you are taking sleep medications such as ambien - you may be very groggy the following day!!

Also because Lavender relaxes our nervous system- which in turn relaxes our body & tense muscles etc... it may lower blood pressure -especially if there is an emotional tension component! So, careful with lavender & blood pressure medications too!

The last thing I want to share about Lavender, is how you can grow it for your own calm & relaxing effects!

If you live in a hot dry climate... all you have to do is put the plants in the ground! They will thrive! Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, North Africa, all hot dry climates.

They can be grown elsewhere - the pacific northwest of the US is one "Lavender Capitol' - as is Provence, France - in these areas it can be grown very successfully albeit seasonally.

Where I am in the Northeast of the US we have difficulty growing Lavender due to humidity in the summer months & low temps in the winter.

My suggestions for anyone here in New England who wants to grow their own Lavender medicine...

1- use the English varieties - such as Hidecote & Munsted.

2- plant them in protected areas with full sun.

3- DON'T amend the soil, and essentially....

4- ignore the plants!!

oh, and!!

5- be SURE to harvest regularly while in bloom!! :-) This IS an Herbalist talking!!

This prunes the plant, helps it with airflow to the base of the plant, and helps it maintain its growth / shape!

Dawne's Beautiful Lavender Garden

Fully processed & dried Flowers

My 2022 Harvest

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